Thursday, November 13, 2008

Loy Krathong

Yesterday was Loy Krathong, which without a doubt is my new favorite holiday. Loy Krathong is celebrated once a year on the full moon in November. The word loy means to float, and a krathong is a banana leaf cup. People make a krathong from the trunk of banana trees, which is a lot like styrofoam. Then they are ornately decorated with banana leaves folded in patterns and topped with flowers. People place a candle and incense sticks in the krathongs. People also place a piece of their hair and some coins as an offering to the goddess of water. Once the krathong is finished and the candles and inscence lit, the krathong is floated on a local river or the sea. As they push away their krathong, they let go of the past and wish for good fortune in the future (somewhat like new years as they consider november the 12th lunar month). There are also paper lanterns that people float in the sky and people set off fireworks, so the sky and water are all lit up throughout the night (it is incredibly beautiful to see but difficult to capture in a photograph).

We went to a local thai restaurant and made our krathongs with thai people who taught us how to fold the banana leaves and attach the flowers. We entered them in a contest for later in the evening. They had a "Thai' contest and a "white person" contest, which we entered alongside several other competitors. We finished our Krathongs and then had a BBQ, and walked around the festival which closed down the main street of Ban Phe. There were food stalls, and rides, and games all along the water. Some of us tried the Thai delicacy of fried crickets, but I was not brave (or drunk) enough to do it. In the center of the street there was a large stage with Thai dancing and music. The sky was filled with paper lanterns that float in the air, and everywhere you looked people were setting off fireworks (some narrowly missing your head).

After dark, the water was quickly filled with the ornately decorated Krathongs. We returned to the restaurant and did some karaoke...and then the contest happened! Courtney got 3rd place for her "unique and very white person design". I clinched second place and was told I had made mine in a very traditional and beautiful "Thai" style. Sarah got first place for overall creativity! We were surprised that we actually won all three prizes because so many people entered!! The prizes were bottles of beer and whiskey (very appropriate for the later festivities).

After the contest, we walked with our Krathongs down to the sea, where we lit the candles on them, and floated them into the water. It was incredibly beautiful to see them all floating. Loy Krathong is such a happy and wonderful ceremony, and you could see that by the astonishing number of people on the beach launching their carefully made krathongs. We met a lot of Thai people who were really happy to share their culture and holiday with us.

We met some Thai friends, who rented a speedboat which took us over to the island of Koh Samet. We got off the speedboat outside a waterfront bar, and danced the night away with all of the locals celebrating. We returned to Ban Phe on the boat about 4:30 am...but it was worth it.
I have to say it was a beautiful holiday with so much meaning and tradition...but I also have to say the Thai's really know how to celebrate after the traditional part is over!

I have put pictures up from both bangkok and last night's Loy Krathong (including my second place winning krathong)!! Enjoy!


Loy Krathong:

Tomorrow I meet with my employer so I should have an update on the job and living situation soon! Until then...


Anonymous said...

Loy Krathong is fantastic! Are you ever going to want to come home?

Ashley Voyles said...

wow every post gets better and better. can't wait to hear after you talk to your employer.

Sherry said...

Hope the meeting goes well.....loved the pics. Will share. Thanks for the info too. Enjoy your time will be back to work soon enough.