Friday, January 16, 2009


Hey! The boys are ok! I got over to the hospital yesterday morning, and didn't get back until a couple hours ago...needless to say I haven't slept for a few days. Yesterday, I was getting the boys clothes, passports etc. getting gready to go to the hospital when I saw my Korea boss. He said he was covering their classes, and then complained about it! He then told me I couldn't go to the hospital because I had to teach at 2 (prick). I looked him square in the eyes and said "THEN FIRE ME...My friends are more important than this or any job will ever be." I think he got the message...though not sure I have a job anymore.
I got Natt (one of the Thai staff) to take me to the hospital. When I got there I found Andre first. He looked awful. His eyelid was sliced in half. The nurse said he might not be able to shut his eye again, and that he was going into surgery in 20 minutes. I found Matt then and he filled me in on the accident. Apparently it was dark and foggy. Bruce took a turn too sharp and they careened into a ditch. The car flipped on its side. Matt said he felt blood everywhere but none of it was his own. The boys crawled out of the car, managed to flag a van down, and that person brought them to the hospital. As you know, there are no seatbelts in Thailand, so they are pretty lucky to be alive.
I saw Scott then, and it was horrifying. He didn't look like himself at all! He broke his nose pretty bad and his face was swollen. he also sliced open his head. He looked like Rocky (at the end of the movie) ewwww. I tried not to look as scared as I felt. He too had to go into a surgery to re-break his nose. We told the doctor that if they needed blood to take it from either Matt or Myself. Luckily they didn't need it!!
The boys left to surgery and were gone for a couple hours. I finally cried, and a nice old Thai woman gave me a hug! 2 hours later, Andre was wheeled back in. He looked a million times better, and could shut his eye! He will probably just have a minor scar. (I told him chicks dig scars so it's ok).
Scott came back very groggy, and in a lot of pain. He actually seemed worse than before he went in. His nose was now 1/3 of his whole face. I held his hand while Matt called his parents to let them know the surgery went ok. A few hours later he was feeling better.
Matt and I both spent the night in the hospital, trading rooms every so often so that one of us was always with one of them. The nurses and Doctors were so nice. This is one of the best hospitals in Thailand, and funded by the queen. It was built during the Vietnam war by the US army...and everything seemed very old...all the monitors and even the beds were hand cranked, and nothing was computerized.
In the morning, Scott woke up looking (and feeling) better...although it will be a while before he can do normal stuff. Around 5 pm they finally discharged the boys and we took them home. I helped Scott wash his hair (there was still blood in it), and got them some mushy food (Scott can't chew) from the grocery store. I AM EXHAUSTED!!

Tomorrow Courtney and Laurie and Alex are coming down for moral support and a relaxing trip to koh Samet. That should be nice. The boys can't go, but Matt will try to come, and we will b e back to make sure they are ok. Tonight I am just going to make sure they are comfortable and medicated. Thanks for all the well wishes!!


Anonymous said...

Please come home!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ps and bring your friends too!