Sunday, March 1, 2009

allegedly monsoons cause plagues

Hello everyone!
This weekend, a few of us went over to the island. Courtney came up from Trat to surprise us which was awesome! We rented a blow up raft and played in the sun. Sunday morning, we got up to go home, and as soon as we left our bungalow it started to rain. It hasn't rained here since November, and boy did it POUR.

We got on the ferry boat home (remember these are shanty wooden boats that are falling apart). It was raining so hard we couldn't see. The boat had to stop in the middle of the ocean and look for the harbor. It was so scary. The lightning and thunder were right no top of us, and it was so loud. We finally got to shore after the treacherous boat ride, when the clouds opened up and dumped more. It was like I had jumped in a pool with all of my clothes on. We stopped in a coffee shop to wring out our clothes and warm up, then we walked home once it lightened up.

Apparently once it starts raining again, every bug on the planet hatches. In the middle of the night, a million mayflies swarmed the school. They took over the downstairs, covering the walls. Literally millions of them. They took over everyone's room but mine! This morning, the bugs were all dead but were being carried away by billions of ants. It's really quite disgusting. I have no idea what is going on, but it is reminiscent of the 10 commandments plagues. ick. Maybe the mass amounts of geckos will kill the ants and flies?

Speaking of geckos, in the kitchen is THE BIGGEST GECKO I'VE EVER SEEN! Most of them are about 3 inches long and 1 inch wide. This one lives behind the fridge and is a foot long and 4 inches wide! It is ridiculous. I have a theory that he is radioactive...or is the alpha gecko who fathered the millions that live in the school.

Scott is back (and brought with him tortillas and poptarts and other such amazing goodies) and Matty is doing much better after the bike accident , although he removed a chunk of asphalt from his foot the other day. that's it for now. I got a lax teaching schedule this month, so I have time once again to do things like go to Thai aerobics, and write in this blog about bugs and geckos...awesome. I am trying to upload pics of the monkey temple but the internet is sucking lately. They are coming soon!
Miss you all!


Ashley Voyles said...

Wow the boat had to stop and look for the shore, scary for sure. Can you just come home already!!

Anonymous said...

My students can't wait to see Monkey pictures etc