Monday, December 1, 2008

December already?

I have officially been in Thailand for 2 months! Can you believe it?

I tutored the french guy today. It was fun! Imagine the most stereotypical image of a French guy (accent included), then add a fanny pack (no joke) and you have Pierre.
We went to Sriracha (about 1 hour northwest of Ban Phe), to the tiger zoo. Rii (a Thai man who works at TEFL), and Lee (another TEFL teacher from the UK) came with us. They had over 400 tigers (including babies!), about a million crocodiles, and various other animals. We walked around and practiced English, and played with tigers and orangutans. Basically I got paid to go to a zoo and hang out with a bunch of people whose accents I couldn't understand! It was awesome. OH and I tried my first bizarre food...barbecued crocodile! Yes I really ate this. It tasted like chicken, except slightly more chewy. It was actually kind of delicious. I have some great pictures from he whole day that I will put up soon!
When I returned to Ban Phe, I found out that a teacher got fired from their job in Chonburri and I may have to go work there for the rest of the time. I REALLY do not want to, as Chonburri is kind of the ghetto of Thailand. I also have finally got settled in a job after all this time, and do not want to be separated from my friends! I told them no, and tomorrow the boys are going to talk to them and say if I have to go, they will all quit. I basically spent a good 1/2 hour crying because I don't want to go. We will see how everything pans out but I refuse to go, and my friends refuse to let me leave! Tomorrow we are also house hunting. We have several prospects (one with a pool and kitchen where we could all live together...ya...pray for me!!). Hopefully we can get that one and I will be able to move in and not go to another job!
Sarah came to stay with me tonight because she is stuck in Thailand and can't go home. I don't know if I mentioned that she quit the program, but she got fed up and quit and is trying to go home now! I am sad, but it's nice to have my roomie back for a bit, even if it is under crappy circumstances!
The situation in Bangkok has worsened as I am sure you are reading in the news. i am especially pissed because I can't get any mail because there are no fricking airports to get it to me! This whole thing is really cramping my style!! Ok Ok I will stop being so selfish because people are genuinely upset. A lot of people are losing tourism money, and the whole country seems somber. Like I mentioned before it is difficult to tell what is going on, as most news stations are blocked.
Despite the uproar...Ban Phe and the island of Koh Samet are having a festival all week in honor of the king's birthday on Friday. The celebrations started tonight, and will continue al week, culminating in a big party on Friday for his birthday/ Thai father's day! I am very excited because it is a lot like Loy Krathong, where there are just huge parties and yummy food in the streets!
Other than that I am fine! i will try to update more so you guys don't worry so much...but really I am fine and far from trouble!!
Love and miss you!


Anonymous said...

Well, if Sarah is leaving, maybe she can leave you some of the TP she brought!

Ashley Voyles said...

How does a teacher get fired? Has anyone else quit? Hope you get to stay with your friends. Please take lots of pictures of Pierre with fanny pack. Love ya.