Wednesday, February 11, 2009

apparently I used to be fat-fat

I was in the kitchen this morning, with several of the Thai staff at my school. I was making some oatmeal for breakfast, and noticed they were all staring at me and then talking rapidly in Thai, then looking back at me. In Thailand people usually look at me like I am a circus freak anyway for being white, and somewhat I am pretty used to it, but the staff are used to my whiteness and tallness by now.

Of course I assume I have something gross on my face and nobody told me, so I brushed it off and returned to the office, where I saw Matt. Since he didn't say anything weird to me (and I know he wouldn't pass up the opportunity to make fun of me if I DID have something on my face), I figured I was normal looking.

I went back into the kitchen, and noticed it I said "what". Ay (the maid) said "you look thsin thsin, you diet?" I told her no. She then says "ooooh when you come here you used to be fat fat, now you thsin". Great...guess I used to be "FAT FAT".

Mystery solved...they were just gawking at the fat chick eating breakfast!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look at her- she loooooveess it.

You realize what I'm going to be thinking as I blankly stare during camp breakfasts now....