Sunday, February 1, 2009

weekend in Bangkok

HI everyone!

This weekend, I headed up to Bangkok to see my friend Alex in her schools play. Alex works at an inner city school in Bangkok, and has horrid students. They often throw firecrackers at her while she is teaching. Anyway, this school volunteered her to be in their production of "Romeo and Juliet", which also happened to be a musical complete with fabulous dance moves. Of course I couldn't pass up the opportunity to watch her humiliate herself, and neither could Scott, Matt, or Rachel, so we went up to Bangkok Saturday morning. This play was ridiculous! It was half in Thai, half in English...and the English was "special"...One of the songs went " happppyyyyy", just to give you a taste!! The costumes were gold and shiny and the makeup resembled tranny hookers. Alex was the only white person in it...It was awesome.
After the play ended, and we finally stopped laughing, we headed to "Cabbages and Condoms", to meet some of our friends for Gabby from our group's birthday! It was great to see everyone, and the restaurant is so much fun! Basically it is a non-profit AIDS awareness group and they have art made out of condoms and birth control all around. (You can read about it here:

That night, we all went out for drinks, and then went to bed. The next day I walked around Khao San Rd. with Scott, while he got gifts for his family. He flys home to Canada for 3 weeks tomorrow morning :(
I headed back tonight, and am waking up at 6 am tomorrow to go to the superbowl party in Ban Phe!!

OH!! I forgot to mention, that I finally can speak complete sentences in Thai! My first was a couple weeks ago (Where is the bathroom...hey at least it's useful)...and this weekend I was able to successfully give directions to a Bangkok cab driver completely in Thai!! woooo hooooo! I decided for the month of february I am going to try to use complete sentences more! I can at least have a basic " are you...i am fine" convo, and ask where the bathroom is, tell someone I don't want something, thank someone, tell someone I am a teacher, ask how much somethign costs, and give directions!! I guess I can get by here now!

Sorry I have been lagging on the photos...I will try to upload some tomorrow or the next day...
Miss you all! xoxo


Anonymous said...

Couldn't get the cabbage and condom website. Are you sure you spelled it right?

Ashley Voyles said...

freaking hillarious of a place. I love that it would never fly in the states, well maybe in SF. I can't wait to hear you speak in Thai. Maybe Scott will bring back some yummy goodies from home!